Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What’s Stressing You Out:

Comprehensive Stress Management

Surprisingly or NOT American’s are more stressed out in 2010 than in 2009. Between work- family conflicts, a downed economy and illnesses (H1N1) Americans are unhappy. Money consistently remains the #1 cause of stress closely followed by work and the economy. These stressors are revealing themselves in everything from irritability to indigestions and teeth grinding. Unfortunately, the American Psychological Association reports that stress doesn’t just affect the stressed individual but their family members too. Children of stressed parents reported increased depression, headaches, stomach aches and trouble falling or staying asleep. The APA further recommends that stress should not be looked over but should be confronted and prevented. Americans should work to recognize their personal distress style (whether that includes a flexible work schedule to weekly yoga sessions), discover what your organizations work/family policies are and don’t be afraid to make the ‘business case’ for a policy that you think should be created. Also be smart and take care of yourself. You’ll be less effect at work if your exhausted, unhealthy, and unhappy. Eat smart, get sleep and recognize that a happy worker is an effective worker.  What techniques, policies or coping mechanisms to you use to stay sane in 2011?

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