I have been researching the psychological and organizational benefits of pets in the workplace. It is incredible how pets can lower your blood pressure, help reduce stress, increase social interaction and increase task performance. Seriously, you look at your dog feel love but never really think of him/her as a health-emotion-work improver.
Now, that said I think I might need to start forcing my company to let me bring my dog into work just so I can get over this hump of a month I have been having.

I know that there are a few challenging to having pets in the workplace (i.e., allergies) but just being able to take a 10 min walk (instead of the smoke breaks so many take) or have him/her sit on my lap for a minute really would make my smile more, take on more challenging projects and just feel better about my day.
Get your office to let the dog in the boards room. For great companies that do check out Nestle Purina, and Dominos.
The Guthrie Theater has long been a dog friendly environment in the admin and marketing departments. It wasn't until recently they needed to enforce stricter guidelines, not due to complaints, mind you, but to the suddenly growing population of dogs in the offices. The animals have a great psychological impact on their human owners, but the numbers of dogs in more confined areas was leading to territorial and stressful behaviors among the dogs.
I think that this is amoung some of the issues that arise when animals come into the workplace. When I used to work at Nestle Purina there were only 10 or so dogs on campus at anyone time. I think most employees were more than satisfied with the psych benefits of others pets too.
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